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Illustrations Come to Life!

Writer: Elise De Silva ArtElise De Silva Art

So excited to see my illustrations come to life in this music video Kind Words by Claudia Robin Gunn. It includes a mix of original illustrations and Sing Through the Year artwork by yours truly. Read more about Claudia in my previous post. I have to say, I think the video is absolutely adorable and so reflective of Claudia's core beliefs. Super proud.

You can watch the video here.

Kind Words is a calm kids weather and feelings song by Claudia Robin Gunn, perfect for social emotional learning (SEL) and sharing with children to help with mindfulness and quiet time. Follow the penguin family through this flip book style animated lyric video as they discover what kindness means and how we can use kind words to support each other and ourselves in community. Kind Words is part of the family music album “Sing Through The Year – A Little Wild Childhood”. Words have weight, power and magical abilities. Using them to their fullest and increasing our vocabulary of kind words and ways to say well done to ourselves and others is an incredible way to build resilience, wellbeing and mindfulness through childhood and throughout life. In the spirit of Mister Rogers, this song helps children express gratitude and love. When we use the kind and helpful words and phrases we can build ourselves and others mental wellbeing. This song uses gentle English language metaphors marrying vocabulary with different kinds of weather because the feeling of words is just as important as their dictionary meanings. Kind words can feel like sunshine after a storm - if we share them around we can use our power for good! - Claudia Robin Gunn



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